About Me:
Christina Lovin is the author of two full-length volumes of poetry (ECHO, Bottom Dog Press, 2014; A Stirring in the Dark, Old Seventy Creek Press, 2012) and four chapbooks of poetry (What We Burned for Warmth, 2006; Little Fires (#55 in the New Women's Voices Poetry Series), 2008; Flesh, 2012 all, Finishing Line Press; and God of Sparrows (forthcoming, 2020, Blue Lyra Press) ). Her writing has appeared or is forthcoming in over a hundred journals and anthologies in the United States and abroad. Having studied creative writing at Harvard University’s summer writing program, she holds an MFA in Creative Writing from New England College. Her work has been supported on several occasions with monetary grants from the Elizabeth George Foundation, Kentucky Foundation for Women, and the Kentucky Arts Council, including the 2007 Al Smith Fellowship. She has been writer-in-residence at Connemara, the North Carolina home of the late poet Carl Sandburg, Andrews Experimental Forest near Blue River, Oregon, and Devil's Tower National Monument in Wyoming. Her writing has led her to residencies at Footpaths House to Creativity on the island of Flores in the Azores, Vermont Studio Center, Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, Prairie Center for the Arts (IL), and Hopscotch House (KY). She lives with rescue dogs in central Kentucky, where she teaches writing in the English Department and Blue Grass Writers' Studio MFA at Eastern Kentucky University.
Writing Awards:
First honorable mention at Finishing Line Press for the chapbook Flesh (2012).
Semi-Finalist at Crab Orchard Review for ECHO: Poems (2011)
Finalist Perugia Press Book Award for A Stirring in the Dark (2010)
Runner-Up at Concrete Wolf for the chapbook Flesh (2009)
Short-listed at Tebot Bach Patricia Bibby Award for Settlement (working title, 2007)
Finalist at Backwaters Press Poetry Book Contest for Settlement (working title, 2006)
▪Finalist Still: The Journal 2017 Writing Contest
"Of Other Nights"
▪Finalist New Millennium 2016 Poetry Contest
▪Semi-Finalist Naugatuck River Review 2013 Narrative Poetry Contest
"Why I Don't Eat Beef"
▪Finalist Still: The Journal 2013 Annual Writing Contest
"Two Doves" (Fiction)
▪Finalist Louisville 2013 Writer's Block Fiction Award
"Waiting for Someone"
▪Semi-Finalist Naugatuck River Review 2012 Narrative Poetry Contest
"These Are Not My Hands" (CNF)
▪New Southerner 2012 Literary Contest
▪Third Place Gemini 2012 Poetry Contest
"The Other Sister"
▪Semi-Finalist Naugatuck River Review 2011 Narrative Poetry Contest
"Tumor: Day One: Double Vision"
▪Finalist Naugatuck River Review 2011 Narrative Poetry Contest
"French Seams"
▪Finalist 2011 Naugatuck River Review Narrative
Poetry Contest
"Apology to Peter Orlovsky, Delivered Posthumously"
▪Honorable Mention Jack Kerouac Poetry Contest
▪Blue Moon Literary & Art Review
"Cry Babies"
▪Semi-Finalist 2009 Naugatuck River Review Narrative Poetry Contest
▪Semi-Finalist 2009 New Southerner Poetry Contest
"Where Things Come From"
▪Finalist 2009 Rita Dove Poetry Award, Salem College CWW
"Brushing My Mother's Teeth"
▪Runner-Up 2009-2010 Presence Magazine Poetry Contest
▪Finalist 2009 Rita Dove Poetry Award, Salem College CWW
"Myth Information"
▪Winner of the 2009 Ethnographic Poetry Prize
Society for Humanistic Anthropology
"Maguey Azul"
▪Nominated for Pushcart Award, New Madrid Review.
▪ 2008 Portia Steele Poetry Award for Excellence in Writing
▪ 2008 Women Who Write Poetry Award
"Coal Country" :
▪2007 Nominated for Pushcart, Triplopia
▪2007 "Best of the Best," Triplopia
▪2006 Passager Poet of the Year, Passager
▪2005 Betty Gabehart Poetry Award
▪2006 Oliver Browning Poetry Award, Poesia
▪2006 Finalist, Rita Dove Poetry Award
▪2006 High Distinction, Margaret Reid Traditional Forms Award
"Event Horizon":
▪2007 Emerging Poet, Southern Women Writers' Conference
▪2007 Finalist, Rita Dove Poetry Award
▪Third Place, Women Who Write Annual Poetry Award
Grand Prize Winner:
▪2007 Dancing Galliard Sonnet Contest, Prism Quarterly
▪2009 Rita Dove Poetry Award (International Literary Award)
▪2008 Violet Reed Haas Book Award
▪2008 Rita Dove Poetry Award
▪2007 Writers' Place Short Story Award
▪2007 Rita Dove Poetry Award
▪2006 Rita Dove Poetry Award
▪2007 Writers' Place Short Story Contest
▪2007 Top Ten Finalist, New Women's Voices Poetry Series, Finishing Line Press
▪2006 New Letters Poetry Award
▪2006 Mid American Review Fineline Competition
▪2005 Portlandia Press Chapbook Prize
▪2005 Backwaters Poetry Book Prize
▪2001 Rhino Poetry Magazine Reader/Writer Contest
▪7th Juried Reading, Poetry Center of Chicago.
▪Ontario Book Prize, Black Lawrence Press
First Honorable Mention:
"General Semantics and the Moles on Your Back"
▪ 2009 Joy Bale Boone Poetry Prize
Honorable Mention:
▪ 2009 Joy Bale Boone Poetry Prize (for "The Buck")
▪2008 Friends of Acadia Poetry Competition
▪2007 Writers' Place Anthology (for "A Stirring in the Dark")
▪2009 "Legacies" Contest, Carnegie Center
▪2008 Georgetown Review Poetry Award
Third Place:
▪2006 Dancing Poetry Award for "A Small Universe"
Writing Residencies, Fellowships, Scholarships:
▪Residency Fellowship, Virginia Center for the Creative Arts
▪Residency, Prairie Center of the Arts, Peoria, IL
▪Residency Fellowship, Virginia Center for the Creative Arts
▪Participant Fellowship, AROHO, Ghost Ranch, New Mexico
▪Residency, Artsmith Orcas Island (Kangaroo House), Washington State
▪Residency Fellowship, Prairie Center of the Arts, Peoria, IL
▪Residency, Hopscotch House, Kentucky Foundation for Women
▪Resident Fellow, Vermont Studio Center
▪Inaugaural Poet-in-Residence at Connemara, the home of the late Carl Sandburg
▪Resident Fellow, Prairie Center of the Arts, Peoria, Illinois
▪Resident Fellow, Vermont Studio Center
▪Resident Fellow, Prairie Center of the Arts, Peoria, Illinois
▪AWP Kurt Brown Scholarship Winner
▪Bread Loaf Writers Conference (Conference Scholarship)
▪Resident Fellow, Footpaths House, Flores Island, Azores, Portugal
▪Emerging Poet, Southern Women Writers' Conference
▪Judson Jerome Scholarship, Antioch Writers’Workshop
▪Resident Fellow, Virginia Center for the Creative Arts (May & December)
▪Writer-in-Residence, Andrews Experimental Forest, Blue River, Oregon (Spring Creek Project, OSU)
▪Writer-in-Residence, Devil's Tower National Monument (National Park Service & Bear Lodge Writers)
▪Resident Fellow, Vermont Studio Center
▪Bread Loaf Writers' Conference
▪Merit Scholarship, Vermont College Post Graduate Writers' Conference
▪Baron Wormser Scholarship Award,Stone Coast Writers’ Conference
January 2009
Christina Lovin is a recipient for a grant from the Elizabeth George Foundation. The grant is to "buy..time to pursue your poetry..."

All content copyright Christina Lovin 2007, 2008, 2009. No part may be reproduced or used without permission from the author